Air Fryer Chicken Wings

air fryer, Savory

If you’ve read any of these posts, then you know that I love my air fryer. These chicken wings are super easy to make.

  1. Preheat air fryer to 380 while you are prepping the chicken.
  2. Spray them with olive oil (or rub if you don’t have a spray bottle), then add seasoning. I use salt, pepper, garlic powder, and Tobasco.

2. Put the wings in the basket in a single layer and cook at 380 for 24 minutes

3. Flip them over and cook at 400 for 6 minutes.

4. That’s it. They are super crispy and yummy.

Air Fryer Turkey Meatballs

air fryer, Entree, Savory, Uncategorized

I’ll start this by saying that this isn’t something that you’ll say “Wow! These are so good!” But, I think they are good make ahead option for lunch. I’ll tell you how I make them, but I’ll also note where you can substitute. The measurements are approximate, so don’t worry too much about how close you are on most of them.

And it’s made in my beloved air fryer.